Our next evening talk is Wildlife (during lockdown) in Mid Argyll by Dave Batty.
This will be held at The Rockfield Centre, Oban, starting 7pm on Thursday 20th January 2022.
Booking is essential and free tickets can be booked here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/wildlife-during-lockdown-in-mid-argyll-tickets-229358987907
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Our next talk, 'Peat Bogs and Climate Change' by James Fenton will be held in the Rockfield Centre, Oban, 7pm, Thursday 16th December.
Booking is essential and tickets (free) can be booked here
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All talks will be held at the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS), Dunbeg.
NOTE This year, we will be starting the talks at 7.00pm (doors open 6.45) to give ourselves more time for discussion and refreshments afterwards.
Thursday October 17th 2019 |
Phil Anderson |
‘The Ins and Outs of Raptor Rehabilitation’ |
Thursday November 21st 2019 |
Rob Lightfoot |
‘Some Costa Rican Wildlife’ |
Thursday December 19th 2019 |
Jessie Wormell |
‘Butterflies of Glasdrum NNR and Glen Creran’ |
Thursday January 16th 2020 |
Dr James Fenton | 'The Loss of the Highland Landscape' |
Thursday February 13th 2020 |
Dr Denise Risch |
‘Sounds of the Minke Whale’ |
Thursday March 19th 2020 |
Thursday April 11th 2020 |
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October's evening talk will by by David Bavin, Vincent Wildlife Trust, who is looking at the feasibility and practicality of reintroducing the Lynx to Scotland (The 'Lynx to Scotland' study). One possible reintroduction area, based on suitable habitat, is Argyll & Bute and David is keen to hear the views of local people and interest groups on the subject.
The talk starts at 7pm on Thursday 18th October at the Rockfield Centre, Oban.Tickets, which are essential, can be bought through the Scottish Wildlife Trust here:
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Here is our winter talks programme for the coming season. All talks will be held at the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS), Dunbeg. Doors open at 7.15pm and talks start at 7.30.
Thursday October 18th 2018 |
James Fenton |
‘Scotland and Norway – similar or different?’ |
Thursday November 15th 2018 |
David & Jean Ainsley |
‘Galapagos above and below’ |
Thursday December 20th 2018 |
Rob Lightfoot |
‘Wild Japan in Winter’ |
Thursday January 17th 2019 |
Max Bonniwell |
'Farming and nature conservation on the Moss of Achnacree' |
Thursday February 21st 2019 |
Kim Last |
‘Nature’s Biological Clocks: A look at wildlife through the eyes of a chronobiologist’ |
Thursday March 21st 2019 |
Andy Riches |
‘The badger, victim or vermin?’ |
Thursday April 11th 2019 - AGM - NOTE CHANGE |
Robert Cruikshanks | 'Wildlife from my Window' |
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